
KBShimmer Shattered Heart

Hey guys, today I have for you my first KBShimmer, Shattered Heart! Thanks to Jane from mindpolish, I snagged this & two other goodies from KBShimmer :D These will definitely not be my last, they were completely amazeballs.

Shattered Heart was put out quite a bit ago in the Neon collection. I love it! A neon pink with shards, hexagons, bars & hearts?!?!?! Count me in! Although it looks like the color of pepto bismol in the picture, I can say confidently that it's NOT a sickly pink but an amazing neon summer pink!

The formula on Shattered Heart was sheer but buildable. Kinda streaky but still it self levels for the most part. The glitters are easy to fish out, you can see tons of them on my nails :) No expert level required!


A trip to Kazakhstan.

Thumb shot of my candy cane nails. 
I just got back from a trip to Kazakhstan from visiting my SO. It's an incredibly lovely place but since it's located so close to the Northern parts of the world, it was freezing cold. I flew from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, where I found out my flight was delayed by 12 hours. :b After finally managing to get on the flight, I landed in Almaty which was -30 degrees & made to get off the plane & take a bus to the main terminal :|| All  I had with me were my trench coat, & a scarf. You could hear the wind whistling through my clothes along with my chattering teeth.

Almaty's Airport
My super duper lovely friend & her equally as lovely brother helped me check in to my domestic flight to Astana because I didn't speak Russian/ Kazakh. My flight was delayed yet again. To add insult to my injury, the domestic departures wasn't insulated. Why? Just WHY. As I sat there in my coat shivering, I made friends with another girl who was on the same flight & she helped me board my other flight! Yaye for helpful people :D

Иши́м River, Astana
For my first day we just walked around a bit around the river so I could take in the the gorgeous landscape.  The Esil River was super gorgeous & I really fell in love with it.

Loving how the snowflakes get trapped on my eyelashes.

We went to this amazing bar which overlooked a cafe. The ambience was amazing. I have no idea where it is but I've never felt so comfortable in a place where there were so many people. I met my SO's friends & they were super nice. I'm usually not the type that likes heading out to bars, I prefer curling up & drinking but The Barley Bar was so chic :D


Pigeons there were particularly fat & fluffy & really really adorable. I spotted them at the park in a group where they slowly made their way towards me. SO told me they were all coming for me :r I've got no idea if it was the cold or if they were tame but they didn't seem bothered by humans at all! How strange.

One of the most exciting things I found out was that new opening of Saks Fifth Avenue! I nagged at the SO for days before he brought me there >.< It was so exciting wandering about amongst the snobby sales people :D I fell in love with a Tiffany ring which costs about USD$3000. Oh money :b I wish they'd open a store here :( There was a large collection of Deborah Lippmanns on sale for about USD$25? A little pricey but I was seriously tempted. My SO insisted that I leave the poor nail polishes alone :@

First time ice skating!

My SO playing with his nephew. The little tyke was about 3 months old & way adorable! I <3 him! (Still terrified of babies though) He hated me for awhile but warmed up to me in the most adorable way ever :D

Anyway, this was the summary of my trip. It was lovely, & Kazakhstan is really a beautiful country. I'd love to go back soon :) xx


OPI Ink Suede

Today I have OPI Ink Suede! I love the denim look of these nails & I think they look super gorgeous. OPI Ink Suede is a dark blue plied with silver flecks giving it the 'jeans' look. I think this is super unique color & the matte version is AMAZING. Drool-worthy. :$

These nails are at 3 coats & they're a little streaky when applied slowly as other mattes do. 


Dreamtastic Nails!

Hey lacqueristas, I decided to do a really sweet manicure today. I started out with a base color of Blue Heaven by Color Club, a baby blue holographic. Using China Glaze's Hanging In The Balance & Bundle Monster Plate 312 I stamped on the fluffy clouds design.

The theme seems so Heaven-ly today, with Color Club's Blue Heaven, the color itself & the stamping design. I like it, not my usual style but very nice nevertheless. It's been 3 weeks since I last did my nails & boy does it feel good! <3

Anyway I hope you liked it as much as I did, thanks guys :D   


You can not die of grief, though it feels as if you can. A heart does not actually break, though sometimes your chest aches as if it is breaking. Grief dims with time. It is the way of things. There comes a day when you smile again, and you feel like a traitor. How dare I feel happy. How dare I be glad in a world where my father is no more. And then you cry fresh tears, because you do not miss him as much as you once did, and giving up your grief is another kind of death.” 
― Laurell K. Hamilton

This post is dedicated to the Delhi gang-rape, the girl who lost her life & started a revolution. Although faceless, she reformed laws, caused protests & the most important of all, she started people thinking. I am nothing but a mere observer. I was not a protester, or a politician but I grieved. We do not know the exact horrors perpetrated, we could all only imagine. 

I was on holiday, yet the news made me sit down. I pored over all the available articles on the internet. I couldn't wrap my head around 'Why?' Rape isn't about sexual experiences, it's about power & domination. There is a fine line between power & domination to pure evil without conscience. 

I can't do anything, I can't bring her back, & I can't help her family. All I can do is remember her & her throughly terrible sacrifice was by flowers. I chose a simple design, something none too complicated.