
Color Shifting Layering Goodness!

Hello lacqueristas :O I got my creative juices flowing yesterday & did a layering experiment. I actually first tried a jelly sandwich using Nubar's 2010 flakies but it didn't work out. :(

So I started off with a base of OPI's Every Month Is Oktoberfest, which is a purple based red shimmer, one of the best colors in the Germany collection in my opinion. I then layered Nubar's famed 2010 flakies over it. I was quite surprised at how sparse the flakies are compared to Essie's Shine Of The Times! Lastly, I grabbed my precious bottle of MaxFactor's Fantasy Fire for the final color shifting goodness.

I was incredibly delighted at how everything turned out, I kept shifting my fingernails whenever I could so I could drool over the color changes! 


Glitter Swirls

Hi guys! I haven't done stamping in a long time & I thought I'd do some today, but with a little twist. I tried using glitter to create a more subtle effect. 

Using China Glaze's Glitter All The Way stamped over Flying Dragon from my previous post with Konad's m63, I thought the combination of matte & glitter was very pretty <3 I know it's not very obvious, but I think that's what I like about it. It's not a design that other people would enjoy but just you. I understand it won't be for everyone, but it was a fun experiment nevertheless.


China Glaze Flying Dragon (Neon)

Today I have one of my favorite purples, China Glaze's Flying Dragon, to show you. It's pretty old I think, but still incredibly gorgeous. The reason why I put (Neon) though, was because there apparently are two formulations of it. Yeah, I know I only have one of them, but it's the best I swear

So my swatch here is at 3 coats, and it shows the grittiness of the polish. I refrained from giving it a top coat shine because I think it looks so mega pretty like this. Flying Dragon is a neon purple polish with bright blue splashes of color. I love how it dries, not only is it a magnificent matte, it dries with texture! It's like the original textured polish that seems to be really popular lately. The formula was a little streaky, I suppose my bottle could've been in storage for so long that it could benefit from a little thinner.


Pretty & Polished Party On My Yacht

Today I have my oldest & my favorite indie polish, Pretty & Polished Party On My Yacht. I bought it when the indies craze just arrived & I remember being so excited because this was my first glitter jelly. 

Yes I know I did a white manicure before this, but I can't seem to get over soft, flowy spring colors & this is no exception. Set in a white base with multicolored sprinkles of hexagonal glitter & blue bar glitter, the combination may seem simple & understated, but the result is a big splash of colors, it's name is fitting, as it reminds me of multitude of bikinis, just partying away on a big white yacht. 

I'm wearing it at 3 coats, although I think 2 coats would be fine. Dainty, with a hint of fun, & definitely not girly, I think this is honestly one of the best indie polishes I have.


Spring Watercolor Nails

I haven't yet apologized for my sporadic posting in the last few months. I'm so sorry guys, I was swamped with my studies & personal problems, there wasn't this urge to blog. Anyway, I'm done with school & am currently on holiday so expect more posts!

Spring is officially here! My favorite season of the year, with gorgeous pastel colors & amazing fashion lines, plus flowers & green everywhere, I am nearly bouncing off the walls in excitement. If only I didn't live in a tropical country. I would trade the sweltering heat for anything. Anyone? So, my nail art drew inspiration from some fashion lines this season, soft with a touch of color. 

I achieved this look using The Face Shop's Check It set, which contains a trio of soft pastel tones in blue, yellow & pink.

After lightly brushing on the strokes on the tip of my nail, I softened the whole look using a brush dipped in acetone to create the watercolor effect. 


Born Pretty Store: Glequins

So recently Born Pretty Store sent me some glequins for review! It's actually my first time receiving them so I really didn't know what to expect :O Glequins are basically loose sequin like glitters that are used for nail art. I may post a tutorial for those who are interested, just leave a comment below & I'll get right to it!

This was my first attempt so it's a little messy :( It's incredibly fun to do though, and so shiny <3 I decided to do glequin nail gaps & an accent nail because hey glequins.

The base color is from Essence's Grumpy from the Snow White collection, it's a gorgeous royal blue jelly that applies smoothly. >_< It's currently my favorite blue!

Anyway Born Pretty Store was sweet enough to include a discount coupon, which can be found in my sidebar or below for 10% off. They have free international shipping & their items are incredibly cheap :D I spend my hours in school perusing their selection of items & wishing I could have more.

Products were provided for review. Please see disclosure policy for more information.