
HARE Polish: The Illuminated Life Swatches

Hi guys, today I have swatches of HARE Polishes The Illuminated Life. Inspired by deep sea marine life, these four polishes are incredibly beautiful & glow from within ;) I was stalking her Etsy shop for a restock when I spotted this collection. I think I squealed & jumped around when I managed to hook (No pun intended... Maybe) this collection. They're my first polishes from HARE ever!

I thought that this collection would be very boring with all the same glowing blue glitters but I was SO wrong. Scroll down to see all the polishes in their full beauty!

All swatches are at 3 coats plus top coat.


Butter London No More Waity Katie

Hey everyone, my mum recently went to Hong Kong & came back with this little goody for me :D This is my first Butter London & boy am I a new follower!

No More Waity Kaity is a dusty purple jelly filled with tiny hexagonal glitters. It's quite sheer, requiring 4 coats for complete opacity but it's so dainty & pretty. Formula was easy to apply, wasn't clumpy & it dried fast. I suppose it could do with a top coat but that just depends on preference.

I really love how the name references itself to Kate Middleton's wedding & it's incredibly cute & funny at the same time. More Butter Londons for me, MOAR! <3


Reddit Challenge Week 8: Saran Wrap

Hi fellow lacqueristas! I'm yet again attempting the Reddit Challenge, which had been held off for 3 weeks now due to various troubles. I'm so glad to be doing this again & I'm just jumping right into it! 

This week's theme is saran wrap & I got inspired by the 80's & did tie dye nails! I really do love them, they're so easy & fun to do, not to mention absolutely gorgeous. Nailed It has a very easy tutorial to follow :D Hope everyone likes this as much as I do!

Colors Used:
China Glaze With Love
China Glaze Sun- Kissed
China Glaze Hanging In The Balance


Rainbow Honey Yokai Collection

Hi guys, today I have for you the Yokai collection from Rainbow Honey. Yokai means 'demons' in Japanese, or what they call any supernatural monsters, whether bad or good. Loving the Japanese Folklore, when I saw this trio, I just had to have it. This is my first time buying from Rainbow Honey, & I didn't know what to expect so I decided to review them :) 

 They come with pretty macro shots at the top of the boxes showcasing the beauty of the polishes <3 So easy to identify!

On to the swatches! They're all at 3 coats & a top coat.

Kawako, is water sprite derived from Kappa (One of my favorite yokai), an incredibly mischievous demon that especially loves liver. Yum. The polish itself is a major stunner, a deep ocean blue flecked with gorgeous pieces of silver set in multichrome flakes that flash in pink or blue. Not exactly what I imagined the Kawako to look like but very very pretty nonetheless. The formula was alright, a little blotchy but nothing to complain about. The flakes don't show up as well as it should & it sinks a little into the base though. Kawako definitely needs a top coat because it dries a teensy bit matte :D

Oni are trolls/ ogres, ugly huge things that patrol my nightmares. They started out as typical flesh eatig yokai but more & more people are using them to ward of bad luck these days. I don't mean offence to anyone but I abhor tattoos of Onis :( No one can seem to make them look nice & at the end result you have an ugly troll on your shoulder or back. 

He stares at your ugly tattoo.

Oni is olive & pink flecks set in a dark green base, I have nothing like this & I <3 this color so much! So much depth in it & I want it to bad. I can totally imagine this as the Oni's skin :( Gross but still so lovely to look at. Formula is the best among 3, applies thinly with great coverage! Definitely wearing this again :D

The last bottle of this limited edition trio, & my very very favorite, is Kitsune. My favorite yokai of all, a mischievous fox sprite that is an obake (shape shifting demon), typically turning herself into a beautiful lady that lures men to their death. At the end of their 'transformation' they have nine tails. 

Does not look like a beautiful lady, sorry.
 Not only is Kitsune my favorite yokai, but it's now my favorite polish! I love jelly glitters & this is no exception! Set in a nude jelly, there are tons of micro hexagonal glitters of pink, green, orange & gold with a sprinkling of gold flakes at the top! It's everything I want & need. Totally appropriate color & my current manicure. My only problem was the terrible formula on mine, I can't say if it's just my bottle but it applied in clumps & I had to apply it swiftly if not it wouldn't be smooth. Well nothing is perfect but I'm going to wear it again & again & again...

My thoughts on this limited edition collection, so much Japanese love for these polishes & they're absolutely gorgeous on their own right. Rainbow Honey should have made more colors! :D I very rarely say this haha. If you haven't gotten it, please get it, I really give it 10 stars! <3


Mosaic Nails

Today I decided to do mosaic nails because why not :P I've never attempted these & I've been planning to do so for the longest time ever. So glad I finally did it & how epicly fun it looks :D It's like a huge party going on in my nails & it reminds me of a fiesta.

The best part is how easy it is to accomplish, just taping strips & a dotting tool! On hindsight I should've stuck with one theme & gone with it. Oh well.

Colors used:
Index Finger: China Glaze Gaga For Green
               OPI Call Me Gwen-ever

Middle Finger: China Glaze Ride The Waves
          OPI Mermaid Tears

Ring Finger: China Glaze Liquid Leather
              OPI Chick Flick Cherry

Pinkie: OPI Fly
                            OPI Fiercely Fiona

Thumb: China Glaze Brownstone
                   China Glaze Ride The Waves


China Glaze Gr8

HAI GUYS! How are y'all doing? I lost hearing in my right ear on Friday & got diagnosed with Vestibular Neuritis. It's really weird to have half of my world blocked out by sound but it's all good. Hopefully it'll go away soon! :D

Today I have China Glaze Gr8 from the famed OMG collection. It's a gorgeous olive- gold toned holo & it looks amazing! I can't stop gawking at my nails in the sun because it won't stop winking at me. I'm a sucker for these colors & I really need the whole collection :O Anyone willing to sell it to me cheaply? Just kidding. Hold on to them tightly ladies. The formula was amazing, I was startled at how well it applied for a holo, it wasn't terribly patchy. Thin formula that is opaque in 2 coats!

OMG guys like I totes have GTG now. TTYL <3


Gothic Nails

Hi guys, as you may know, I lost all my pictures recently. After much consideration, I realize I had to delete all my posts & that felt horrible. I thought about it for awhile, I'm not entirely sure if this is the right choice but I decided to continue blogging, at least for the time being. I decided to do gothic nails to "grieve" for the loss of my photos. I'm still really sad about the loss but I'm trying to remain upbeat. 

I used a basic matte black nail polish from Kazakhstan & used BM-323 stamping plate. Simple, gloomy & girly at the same time. 

Okay hope you guys keep reading <3 I'll keep posting more regularly to make up for my lost posts. I'm keeping a couple of my recent personal posts because I think they're still okay :)


Depression; Fighting The Good Fight

Hi guys, I'd be talking about something on a more personal level & this might be a super long post so I hope you all choose to bear with me. 

I've been in a deep funk lately, for reasons unknown. I'm guessing life just got to me. I kept wondering over & over again if there was anything more to life, or if this was just all there is. I kept beating myself over the head with it, how insignificant I was & how I could've tried harder. 

My days kept on dragging by, & it spent all my energy just getting through half the day. My sleep cycles got longer & longer. Soon, it was all I could do to get out of bed. Many days I just wanted to lie there, not wanting to face the world, wishing I wouldn't wake up. 

I didn't just wake up one day & said "I'm depressed." It was gradual & I didn't even realize it. I felt like shit all the time. Every action, every smile & laugh was forced, as the days went by I just slowly stopped feeling anything. Months went by & nothing changed. I just buried myself in anything & everything I could find. Only when I did realize something was wrong did I find this constant state of numbness mind boggling. It was strange, almost like a trance. Then the crying came. Every night I'd sit by myself & sob, without knowing why. This would continue through out the night for weeks on end, I was lucky to get a couple hours of sleep. So much hate for myself at this stage, it was both mentally & physically exhausting, being brow beaten constantly.

I thought Hyperbole and a Half drew this to a T.
 I didn't want to go out with friends or family, I just wanted to be alone. I saw some friends slip away during this period. I couldn't even see happy videos on Youtube without feeling sick. It was complete & utter madness. I had stood up against bullying but in reality I was bullying myself. 

Yesterday night I became defiant, something I hadn't felt in so long, I picked a site that I had gone to a long time ago, GivesMeHope.com or GMH for short, I used to go on this everyday for a little pick me up. I went on it last night. I think I scrolled though 50 pages. I cried like a little girl at the end of it. This time it was tears of happiness. I think I made a small step today, I know that I'm not completely happy right now but it'll get better. I'll keep telling myself that.


Eradicate The Hate

Hi everyone! I'd firstly like to apologize for my absence these past 2 weeks, my mum used the camera for her holiday & it broke :( Pretty much stuck with my cell pictures right now & I constantly post on Instagram (abbynakajima).

Anyway, the reason why I'm posting today is about the drama I've heard recently coming out of the nail polish community. It's understood that if you stick a bunch of women together, a whole lot of bitch is going to pop right up. I'm not surprised that there are arguments, in fact I'd be very suspicious if there were none. I'm glad you guys usually argue things out instead of backstabbing people. What really pisses me off is bullying. I can't stand people being made fun of (secretly or otherwise), or a whole campaign that starts out against her. Many of these women are a hell a lot older than me, it appalled me to see people acting so childishly. Please remind me when did this start becoming middle school again? I'm sorry that y'all are no longer sorority queens or Miss. Popular but it doesn't give anyone the right to bring a single person down. 

On a personal level, it brings all my insecurities up to light, like many others I've been bullied before, this issue makes me wonder if there are others quietly mocking me behind my back. I may lack the eloquence in this post but trust me when I say I'm sincere.

To the girls that were involved, I hope y'all really think about the backlash. From now on I hope there will be no more drama, bitchiness, backstabbing, name calling & campaigns.

P.S: I'd be adding the badge once I can edit the dimensions of it! <3