
Eradicate The Hate

Hi everyone! I'd firstly like to apologize for my absence these past 2 weeks, my mum used the camera for her holiday & it broke :( Pretty much stuck with my cell pictures right now & I constantly post on Instagram (abbynakajima).

Anyway, the reason why I'm posting today is about the drama I've heard recently coming out of the nail polish community. It's understood that if you stick a bunch of women together, a whole lot of bitch is going to pop right up. I'm not surprised that there are arguments, in fact I'd be very suspicious if there were none. I'm glad you guys usually argue things out instead of backstabbing people. What really pisses me off is bullying. I can't stand people being made fun of (secretly or otherwise), or a whole campaign that starts out against her. Many of these women are a hell a lot older than me, it appalled me to see people acting so childishly. Please remind me when did this start becoming middle school again? I'm sorry that y'all are no longer sorority queens or Miss. Popular but it doesn't give anyone the right to bring a single person down. 

On a personal level, it brings all my insecurities up to light, like many others I've been bullied before, this issue makes me wonder if there are others quietly mocking me behind my back. I may lack the eloquence in this post but trust me when I say I'm sincere.

To the girls that were involved, I hope y'all really think about the backlash. From now on I hope there will be no more drama, bitchiness, backstabbing, name calling & campaigns.

P.S: I'd be adding the badge once I can edit the dimensions of it! <3


  1. I feel the same way you do! It's very uncomfortable to see women who are old enough to my mother or my aunt acting In a way I'd NEVER act. It's sad to be honest, I wouldn't have acted that way at 13, I won't act that way now at 19. And I sure as hell won't when I'm middle aged.

    1. Yaye you're the same age as me <3 I bet you won't :) You sound awesome heh!

  2. Thanks for supporting this. Your argument is very well written. I too wrote about this topic: http://pishposhandpolish.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/h8ers-gonna-h8-no-thanks.html

    1. Hi love <3 I've read your post & I completely agree with you :)

  3. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, like you I too was bullied before so this made my own insecurities bubble to the surface too. A much unappreciated feeling I really could have done without. Again, thanks for the thoughtful entry, I posted one this morning too, because I believe Silence = Agreement and I definitely do NOT agree with this 'campaign' but what I do agree with, is No H8!


    1. Hi Pamela, I don't think we're alone, many people would've been bullied in their younger days & this would have made some fret. :) I've read your post & it's incredibly thoughtful thank you <3 x

    2. Hi Pamela. I feel bad, I've been so busy with work and school, I apparently missed this whole thing. I totally would have joined in on this, as it is such a great cause. I've been seeing these posts all over now that I have the weekend to catch up on my reading. I have to say I spent most of my highschool years being bullied, and hope I don't have to go through anything like that ever again. I'm 'old' compared to a lot of you (28). It's nice to see young girls with good heads on their shoulders. I've loved being a part of the nail polish world so far, and hope none of us ever even have to say a word about this again. And Bee, great post. It is good to see a bunch of girls standing up for each other for once. Love it!

    3. Hi Jessie! I'm sorry to hear that, many scars last for a lifetime. I hope you feel better & have moved on in your life, thank you so much for commenting & reading my post. Much love <3
